Update some films I have been watching

I went to see Gasper Noe's 'Love' premier at the Curzon and it was beautiful I loved the neon colours and the music and cinematography was spectacular as always. It was everything and more and the 3D was fucking insane to the max.
I also watched 'Carol' and as always watching Todd Haynes films I feel like I'm watching through a doll house window into warped suburban lives but the most beautifully shot and polished ones of course. I love many of his films how unexpected they are and how the characters persona's are so contrary to what you believe they are like before watching.
I loved how the roles were reversed in 'Carol' and how Cate Blanchett's character seemed to hold the power over her relationship with her husband even though within society in the 50's he would have been. Brilliant story line colours and costumes so spectacular.

It made me think deeply about how hard it was for women and how it is for some in certain countries now. It kind of made me mourn for them and the situations they and to go through in order to build lives for theme selves for the better and leave there lives behind.
I watched 'Crimson Peak' after the longest wait ever I absolutely adore Guillermo Tel Toro and am excited to saying I'm getting the book of the film with all his beautiful stills. I absolutely loved the set design and costumes they were exquisite I loved Mia's belt with the two clutching hands int he scene where her and Jessica are with the butterflies dying. I don't want to tell you much about it as I'm thinking of reviewing it soon. Tom Hiddleston's character was one of my favourites I was so conflicted in whether I liked him or not (I did).
He gave a stunning performance and cannot wait for his films coming out next year is Hank Williams biopic and the J.G Ballard adaptation High-Rise. I just love his choice of film and how he puts his all into his transformation into his character.
I also recently watched 'The Room' and cried my whole entire water contents out of my body. I felt very dehydrated afterwards. I watched all the directors clips and interviews before the film and was very excited to watch it binging all the clips available. It really deserves so much recognition. There are so many Kidnapping films and hostage story lines but none like 'The Room'. In the majority of hostage films you just see them escaping and that's the end but that's just the beginning the whole formulae is completely mind boggling amazing. I love the transformation of the characters and how you see Jack adapt to seeing the real world for the first time. Such and incredible film with no fancy effects but pure beautiful shots and dialogue.
Will be posting more soon <3