Hounddog 2007

Starring Dakota fanning as Lewellan the main character. 'Hounddog' is saddened tale of a young girl who's father is barely there brought up by her grandmother played by Piper Laurie. Her father bares her small gifts every now and then and brings in most of the families income her mother is know longer around and her fathers girlfriend 'Robin Wright' guides her the way sometimes until she vanishes for a while. Her father comes home for the weekend and is struck by lightening and then most of the time is in a delirious, vegetable like state.
Lewellan looks after him as much as she can but is all to much for her. Lewellan not only has to look after her father but a neighbour hood bully who is charming at first knows her love for Elvis. I believe it is set in the sixties and her father brought her one gift home one night an Elvis vinyl. She non stops performs 'Hounddog' for people to the best of her ability. When Elvis is announced to be touring to her home town the charming bully takes advantage of the situation. He manipulates Lewellan's best friend Buddy to meet inside a dark abandoned barn and he will give her tickets to see Elvis. He continuously asks her for favours which get more threatening and disturbing as the scene goes on at first she had to perform the song and then without her dress on and then told her to remove her under garments she didn't feel comfortable then he threatened her and began sexually abusing her.
After that she feels ashamed and goes home and becomes an introvert for a while until her father wanders of one day. The film is very sad and a young Dakota fanning was brilliantly realist portrayal of a young brave girl. The cast was really small and the location setting was beautiful and reminded me similar to that of 'The PaperBoy'. The colour palette as you an tell from many of my posts are what attracts me to the film but this film was just beautifully set and the colours were stunning.
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