Monday 22 June 2015

Wish You Were Here 1987

'Wish you were here' 1987

 Wish you were here is a British film made in 1987 but set in early fifties in a seaside town. The lead character played by Emily Lloyd. Her character being called Lynda is a potty mouthed sixteen year old who's goal is to shock and create uncomfortable atmospheres for anyone and everyone. Her vulgar behaviour and rude words create a stir in the town she is known for her outlandish behaviour and and sexual nature. Her father since returning back from the war when she was younger is often embarrassed by her and she makes a mockery of him and her family constantly. 

Bored in her small town she sleeps with a boy who she finds even more boring and he stops talking her shortly afterwards. Lynda doesn't seem to bothered and her fathers pervy friend seems a little to interested in her touching her and waiting outside her house every night hoping for a little action. To be honest I found him very creepy and pervy and rapey like, often Lynda didn't seem to want to sleep with him anyway but he was manipulative and ongoing. She falls pregnant and moves for a while and on her return is wearing a bright yellow dress and fancy pram pushing it all throughout the town as if to parade that she is proud of herself and that's basically the movie.

I thought it was hilarious and for the era it was set in her character was even more vile and hilarious.  I love female characters who are gross and realistic and makes me feel more human and normal for once, like the character of the character Helen in 'Wetlands'. The film was a 4 out of 5 for me just wished their was a more fulfilling ending I suppose.

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