Thursday 16 April 2015

To Die for- film recommendation

Gus Van Sant's - "To Die For"

Gus Van Sant is one of my all time favourite directors for his ability to just create such original ideas and concepts, he just tells each story in a whole different perspective. 'To Die For' is a film I've watched about 4 times and love. Starring Nicole Kidman, Joaquin Phoenix and Matt Dillon. A beautifully talented cast. First of all the narration of the whole film is just so inventive and probably the first director to even portray a film in this way. Last year I went to see 'Nightcrawler' and was surprised by the amount of similarities between it and 'To die for'. I definitely thought the director of 'Nightcrawler' drew a lot of inspiration from this film. 

The film is about a young women (Kidman) who will do anything she has to, to get to the top using her sexuality and manipulation skills as her main tools. The story line is so in-depth and the ending is an intense twist and altogether an incredible film. The concept of the film, storyline, costume, sets, character depth and soundtrack is phenomenal. I must say I have a soft spot for Joaquin Phoenix and heart throb Matt Dillon and they both gave incredible performances. Casey Affleck (my favourite of the Affleck brothers) gave a convincing performance also playing a cheeky, boundary pushing teen. Kidman however I believe,  this is one of her most intense and amazing roles she gives such a humorous yet gritty peformance. I loved the sets they were similar (only in some scenes) to 'Edward Scissorhand' and Nicole Kidman's wardrobe were very similar of Pegs in the film. The film also had Danny Elfman in common giving the film a stunning cinematic soundtrack really bringing each scene to life. I wont reveal the whole of the film other than it is a masterpiece, that I really relish.

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