Monday 4 May 2015

Disco Pigs

'Disco Pigs' 2001

Seems to me all I've done today is watch Irish films and come to a realisation they are totally underrated and gorgeous masterpieces especially when it comes to dialogue. The film I watched is called 'Disco Pigs' and believe it was first a play in Ireland which Cillian Murphy was apart of from the beginning. In this film he plays a character called Pig and the other lead character called Runt played by Elaine Cassady. It revolves around a boy and a girl born into the world like magnets drawn together since birth literally. The first scene is of them as newly Born's in the hospital latching onto each others petite hands clutching for dear life. Then the film skips to their sixteen year old self's living next door to each other with a hole in both of their bedrooms so they can hold hands and speak before they sleep and also their lives revolving around each others actions. They both wake up and meet and slightly dress similar when going to school so synchronised as they walk outside their front doors at the same time. Pig as a character believes Runt would be lost without him like a runt of a pig litter would in real life. When in fact its him who can't live without her he is obsessed, infatuated with Runt and until the end becomes suffocating.

 From the beginning to end Pig and Runt are tormenting bullies  to everyone in school and town and especially Pig who progresses and becomes more and more frighteningly violent with his unstoppable outbursts. They both like to play games picking targets and accusing them of situations they conspired against and then using them as a tool to fight back for no reason. This is dangerous and ends up killing someone in the future who is completely innocent and helpless. Throughout the film their is beautiful poetic language from the start when Runt has a mini monologue proclaiming that she wants the sea to consume her for a while and never to return then explains that intact she just wants something new and perhaps just to be dragged out for half an hour. And later in the film it returns to what could perhaps be questioned to the calm state and equilibrium that it once was. Pig and Runt have sex on the beach after his murderous actions and that's all he ever wanted was for them to become one and become man and women as seen in his creepy monologue scene in his bedroom earlier in the film.

 His blue piercing eyes really made his character that juxtaposed villain that you fall for. Once this happens Runt suffocates Pig physically like he once did to her mentally. Runt then appears to walk towards the sea to commit suicide like she proclaimed she wanted too in the beginning in her mini dialogue but then turns away and walks off. Its so easy then to realise that Pig loved Runt more than she did him and he wouldn't have been able to survive without her in the real world and now dead he will forever live in their King and Queen utopia and she will live the life she is capable of in reality.

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